I was a late addition, so I'm not on the poster, but I'll be signing books at Rick's place cafe in Monmouth from 2-4 pm.
I hope to see you all there.
I was a late addition, so I'm not on the poster, but I'll be signing books at Rick's place cafe in Monmouth from 2-4 pm.
I hope to see you all there.
I did NOT expect a standing-room only crowd at my very first reading. You guys are AWESOME. I am humbled and flattered.
If you missed the reading, you have another chance. I was invited at the last minute to be at a book signing with Barbara Freeman and another author at Rick's Place Cafe (123 N. Main Street in Monmouth) on Saturday, October 27th between 2-4 PM. I'd love to chat about writing, sign a book for you or generally hang out around some writers.
See you then!
Today is the first reading in the Starving Artists series at Western Oregon University. I am going to see Miriam Gershow read today.
Next week, October 23, it's my turn.
I had a dream a week ago that Kate Ristau introduced me. I stood, walked to the podium and opened my book...to find that there were no words, only gobbledeegook printed in red letters. As Kate valiantly stalled for me, I turned page after page, looking for any readable words as the audience became more and more restless.
At least I am guaranteed to not have that problem--in this universe, printed words don't change.
I do have a fear of a too-lightly attended reading. My husband has agreed to be there, and so have my parents. I'm giving my students extra credit to show up. Beyond that, who knows?
I suppose if no one shows up, I can't embarrass myself too much.
I am practicing reading my passage, but I think what will help most is watching Miriam read today. I like having models to follow when I am doing something unfamiliar.
By the way, I am going to post a recording of me reading to my website, either in front of the audience or one of my practice sessions, after the reading.
Plus, I'm going to have a copy of a short story available for people who come to the reading.
Plus plus plus, I am going to talk about my journey to self-publishing at the reading.
I hope to see you there today and next week!