Tuesday, September 17, 2013

TWO Options for Nanowrimo classes

Do you have an idea for a novel? 
Do you want to participate in NaNoWriMo, but want to do it with the support of a (for-credit) class? 
Do you need one more credit this term? 

Then the Novel in a Month Class is the class for you!

Do all of the questions above apply to you, but you can't go to a weekly class? 

Then the One Day Novel Power Planner class is for you! 

Thee classes will be held In downtown Monmouth, Oregon. 

Option One: The Novel in a Month Class 

Write Your First Novel In Thirty Days is a 6-week class aimed at people who want to write a novel by participating in the deadline-driven, community-supportive atmosphere. The class will focus on:
    * preparation for writing a book-length first draft (including idea generation),
    * completion of the book-in-a-month challenge,
    * and end with a workshop on what to do with a freshly written novel.

Held at Rick's Place Cafe in Monmouth at the following times: 
  • 7:00-8:30 PM ,   One Wednesday and 5 Thursday nights 
  • October 24, November 7, 14, 21,  27 (W), and December 5, 2013 (concurrent with NaNoWriMo.org)
  • Registration Fee: $75* (includes required text) 
  • (1) Credit Fee: Additional $50 (see form below) 

*This is the last time I will offer this class for under $100. If you've been waiting for the perfect time, accept that there will be no perfect time and do it now to save yourself some money!

Option Two: One Day Power Planner:
Don’t have the time to commit to driving to Monmouth each week during Nanowrimo? 
How about one Saturday? Can you commit to that? 
This 6-hour class is aimed at people who want to write a novel by participating in a deadline-driven, community-supportive atmosphere. 
The class will focus on: 
  • preparation for writing your book (including idea generation), 
  • planning of the first draft of your book, 
  • and end with a workshop on how to complete that first draft. 
  • Students will have the option of dropping in  2 times to the six-week Novel in a Month class for free! This includes the last day lecture “I’ve written a novel, now what?” $5 per each additional class meeting. lecture.
  • 9 AM to 4 PM ,  Saturday, October 19
  • Ballroom above 125 Main St E, Monmouth, OR 97361 
  • Registration fee: $100 (includes required text) 
  • Sorry, we can't offer credit for the one-day class
