In case you've been on the fence about buying Liz A. Stratton Closes the Store, perhaps this review will convince you.
And, I didn't pay this person, and I don't think I know who it is, either. So there. :)
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
This review is from: Liz A. Stratton Closes the Store (Paperback)
"Liz Closes the Store" is a retelling of the old Greek story of Lysistrata, where women decide to end a war by cutting their men off, sexually. Anderson updates the story into a fun, fast, feminine-power read. It isn't quite on purpose that Liz Stratton finds herself running for president in a country mired in a deadly but pointless war. But her brash, no-nonsense wit is just what the people, at least those with double x chromosomes, have been waiting to hear. The women of the country are so taken by their reluctant heroine that she soon motivates them to stop the war killing their sons and husbands by denying the men of the country the one thing they want most: their bodies. Along the way Liz must contend with her own budding romance, a difficult thing to have when you're the face of feminist abstinence.Anderson's book is pure fun, reality trimmed to fit delightfully into fantasy. Nothing is dull. It's a new kind of chick lit and romance, smart, fast, and a little crazy.