My friend
Kate Ristau and I have written a book about commas.
I know, sounds "thrilling."
But, you don't know Kate. And, you don't know what happens when Kate and I get together. Utter madness
ensues. I mean, utter madness.
If you ever wondered what a grammar dragon is or what happens to unicorns when you misuse FANBOYS, this irreverent guide for using our most common punctuation mark will explain.
This primer doesn’t cover every single use of commas–it’s only sixty pages, for heaven’s sake! But it does explain the comma errors English professors most often marked wrong on their students’ papers. All that red ink stung. Hence, this book.
Preorders are available now for $5.99 (regularly $7.99). Go to the Comma book page and download the pre-order form.
Or click here for the PDF or here for the RTF versions of the form. You can email me the RTF form.
Or please go to the book's FaceBook page and "like" it.