Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Camp Nanowrimo



Because life isn't crazy enough, I am going to do Camp NaNoWriMo this August! Actually, I need the kick in the pants to get back to writing regularly, and Nano has always done that for me.

Also, I'm cheating this summer: I am going to use Camp Nano to finish my BIAM novel from last August. 50K words are a few more than the novel technically needs to be "finished," but it is easier to cut than to add (some say).

I'm inviting my writing friends to join the challenge! If you sign up for Camp Nano, friend me! I'm "Marenster."


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rev #2 of Dragon Book DONE


I'm done with my revision of my "Dragons in Oregon" novel. I like the book a lot, and I hope some publisher will scoop it up and ask me to write books 2 and 3.

Ah, it feels good to finish a project. Now to print it and stick it in the mail.

Now, to finish the "Alpaca Romance Novel" project.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Brief Update 7/2011


Well, I have emerged from the infant-induced hiatus to another summer when I am not teaching. I am learning the trick of getting both the girls down for a nap at the same time so I can actually work.

The other trick is to put them both in daycare for a couple days a week. Maybe later this summer I'll blog about the guilt associated with paying a babysitter so I can write, but not today.

My brief writing update is as follows: I am finishing a full revision of my fantasy novel, working title Something. I thought that I had made edits/revisions to the whole book last summer before WWC, but I had only done the first half, thinking anyone who would want to see it would only ask for the first fifty pages first.

Here's a tip: DAW wants the entire manuscript right off the bat.

So, before I send the book to them, I needed to finish the edits. Plus, one of my first readers suggested a couple revisions to the characters arcs that made a lot of sense to me.

The good news is that I am totally in love with this book again. It is as much fun to read and work on the second time as it was the first. I really hope someone wants to publish it.

After I finish that book, I'm going to finish writing the alpaca romance novel I started last August. I think I'm about 60K into it. I need to flesh out the "B" plot, and then revise it to go into the mail to publishers.

That's it for now!


Stephen Fry Kinetic Typography


This expresses the quintessential debate I have with my husband about grammar, and why, though I teach Writing to Freshmen in college, I am not hugely devoted to prescriptionist grammar, as my husband is.

Ironically, he is the person who sent this to me.

I love that man.
