Tuesday, June 12, 2012

"Writing" Thread--Introduction

As I said in my earlier post, I want to write tips for writers that I would normally give during my writing classes at the university where I teach. These posts will be categorized under "Writing" so you can search for them easily.

I am also going to write them in the order I would discuss them in a class, so that each post will build a little on the knowledge presented in previous posts. However, each post will stand alone, so if you just need a little help with style, you won't need to go back and re-read the post on brainstorming (unless you'd like do, naturally). 

Below is  a list of a few of the things I hope to write about this summer: 

  1. Creating--that is, brainstorming, games, listing, and other ways to turn on the creative juices
  2. Drafting--writing fast, locking up the editor, and other ways to get that first draft out. 
  3. Revising--Editing, proofreading, "re-seeing" your writing
  4. Style--those things which separate "good" from "Great" writing 
  5. Grammar--the mechanics of writing, mastery of which creates clear meaning. 
  6. Vocabulary--When to use the $5 words and when not to (and what they mean)

Also, I hope to make these posts fun. This one isn't so much fun, so I should throw in an example with an aardvark or something. Nah, that would be trying too hard, and you smart people would see through that ploy. 

This is finals week at the University, so by Friday, I hope to be free of teaching obligations, so I can post on a more regular schedule. Here's hoping!

Until then, here is your writing prompt for the week:

What is the single biggest obstacle between you writing as well (or as much) as you'd like? 

You may post your response to the comments below.

Send me questions via Twitter (twitter.com/#marenster) or FaceBook (facebook.com/marenbradleyanderson). 


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